Membership Fees

ACS Membership Fees and Categories for the use of CASES and/or SDA software

(September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025)

Annual fees for Association membership and software utilization are defined for several different types of memberships and levels of utilizations. Fees for each membership category are presented below in three separate sections. For all types of membership, changes in the level of aggregate utilization of Licensed Materials during the designated period shall be reported to Licensor, and the fee for subsequent periods shall be modified to reflect that change.

Once you have decided to become a member and at what category level, you can go directly to the Becoming a Member page.

Membership Categories and Rates for CASES Users (Categories A-K):

The appropriate fee for each category of membership in this section is based upon the estimated number of person hours in which authorized individuals (either within the Licensee's organization or acting at the request of Licensee's organization) will use Licensed Materials based on the CASES system at any workstation, and on the number of responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires. For membership categories B and above, usage of Licensed Materials from the SDA system are permitted but not counted in determining the level of utilization.

Membership Categories L, M and Y (Includes CSM hosting services):

Membership categories L and Y give the organization access to CSM services but do not entitle the Member to receive any software. Category M gives the organization access to CASES on a single PC as well as CSM hosting services. Each category has several levels based on the hosting utilization.

Membership Categories and Rates for SDA Users (Categories N-S):

Membership categories in this section are intended for organizations that use SDA but do not make any use of CASES. For these membership categories, the appropriate fee is based on the extent to which Licensee uses Licensed Materials from the SDA system, either on the Licensor's computers or their own.

Federated Memberships (Category X):

This type of membership permits several organizations to pay reduced annual fees by creating a federated membership in the Association. In this arrangement, only one organization is a direct member of the Association, and that organization handles all requests for assistance from users in the other subsidiary organizations.

Membership Fees Based on Utilization of CASES (SDA use permitted, but not counted)
  • Category A - $3,400 per year for each PC
    For users whose utilization of Licensed Materials is limited to one personal computer (PC) primarily for exploratory purpose. The yearly utilization should be limited to 500 or less staff hours, and less than 500 responders.
  • Category B - $9,500 per year
    For yearly utilization up to 2,000 person (staff) hours and up to 25,000 responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.
  • Category C - $15,200 per year
    For yearly utilization greater than 2,000 hours but less than 4,000 staff hours and up to 50,000 responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.
  • Category D - $23,600 per year
    For yearly utilization greater than 4,000 hours but less than 8,000 staff hours and up to 125,000 responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.
  • Category E - $32,100 per year
    For yearly utilization greater than 8,000 hours but less than 16,000 staff hours and up to 250,000 responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.
  • Category F - $43,300 per year
    For yearly utilization greater than 16,000 hours but less than 32,000 staff hours and up to 500,000 responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.
  • Category G - $56,700 per year
    For yearly utilization greater than 32,000 hours but less than 64,000 staff hours and 1,000,000 responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.
  • Category H - $71,000 per year
    For yearly utilization greater than 64,000 hours but less than 256,000 staff hours and unlimited responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.
  • Category I - $108,000 per year
    For yearly utilization greater than 256,000 hours but less than 1,000,000 staff hours and unlimited responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.
  • Category J - $206,000 per year
    For yearly utilization greater than 1,000,000 hours but less than 4,000,000 staff hours and unlimited responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.
  • Category K - $313,000 per year
    For any level of yearly utilization beyond 4,000,000 staff hours and unlimited responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires.

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Membership Fees for Organizations That Only Use CSM Hosting Services

Categories L & M

For organizations that use Licensor's Web site for CASES Web QA studies and other CSM services on a recharge basis.

  • Category L is for organizations that do not obtain any Licensed software.
  • Category M is for member organization whose utilization of Licensed Materials is limited to one personal computer (PC) at a time with no Web-based CASES utilization or SDA.

The fees for categories L and M will include a $2,000 association fee plus a hosting fee that depends on the number of responders annually. Service charges for instrument design and programming are charged separately. The hosting fees for the various levels of usage follow the guideline below. The final cost for each hosting service will be a fixed-cost project.

Category Annual Fee Maximum number of responders from Web-based self-administered questionnaires
 L1  $1,650  Up to 400 responders
 L2  $1,850  Up to 800 responders
 L3  $2,100  Up to 1,600 responders
 L4  $2,300  Up to 3,200 responders
 L5  $2,850  Up to 6,400 responders
 L6  $3,500  Up to 12,800 responders
 L7  $4,600  Up to 25,000 responders
 L8  $7,350  Up to 50,000 responders
 L9  Negotiated  Above 50,000 responders
 M1  $2,500  Up to 400 responders
 M2  $2,700  Up to 800 responders
 M3  $2,950  Up to 1,600 responders
 M4  $3,150  Up to 3,200 responders
 M5  $3,700  Up to 6,400 responders
 M6  $4,350  Up to 12,800 responders
 M7  $5,450  Up to 25,000 responders
 M8  $8,200  Up to 50,000 responders
 M9  Negotiated  Above 50,000 responders

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Category Y

For organizations that use Licensor's Web site for hosting SDA datasets and other CSM services. This basic membership does not entitle the Member to receive any software. The fee for category Y includes several factors:

 Fee factors  Cost formula
 Association fee  $2,000
 Data charge  D = n(datasets) * n(variables) * n(cases)
 E = D / 1,000,000 (round up to integer)
 Charge = $100 * E
 Usage surcharge  when over 100,000 requests:
 U = n(requests) / 100,000 (round up to integer)
 Charge = $100 * U
 Service charge  at cost (of administration & personnel work hours)

If the total charge from adding up all of the above cost factors goes beyond $10,000, CSM will negotiate with the participating member to set a mutually agreeable charge.

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Membership Fees based on Utilization of SDA Only (Without CASES):
  • Category N - $9,500 per year
    For utilization of SDA software on Licensee's computers and Web site up to 50,000 requests per year for any kind of SDA-supported procedures.
  • Category O - $15,200 per year
    For utilization of SDA software on Licensee's computers and Web site up to 125,000 requests per year for any kind of SDA-supported procedures.
  • Category P - $26,000 per year
    For utilization of SDA software on Licensee's computers and Web site up to 250,000 requests per year for any kind of SDA-supported procedures.
  • Category Q - $42,500 per year
    For utilization of SDA software on Licensee's computers and Web site up to 500,000 requests per year for any kind of SDA-supported procedures.
  • Category R - $65,500 per year
    For utilization of SDA software on Licensee's computers and Web site up to 1,000,000 requests per year for any kind of SDA-supported procedures.
  • Category S - $85,500 per year
    For unlimited use of SDA software on Licensee's computers and Web site.

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Federated Memberships:
  • Category X - In Federated memberships, several cooperating organizations act as a single member of the Association, and rely on the staff members from one site to handle all end-users within the Federated structure.  The annual fee for Federated memberships is determined as follows:

    The category for the organization with the highest level of utilization is used as the base fee (for which the minimum is Category C for CASES users, or Category N for members who only use SDA).  Additional fees are charged at one half the normal rate for each additional organization in the structure.  Federated Agreements should be accompanied by a written statement which identifies the organization which will serve as headquarters for the Federated structure and all satellite organizations.

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CSM Program, Institute for Scientific Analysis
715 El Cerrito Plaza
El Cerrito, CA 94530-9701
510-898-1313 or support@csm.berkeley.edu