Becoming a Member

In order to become a member of ACS, the joining organization (or individual) must print, fill out, and sign two copies of the Membership Agreement and Software License Agreement for the Association for Computer-assisted Surveys.

There are two main versions of the Agreement. If you want to use CASES (and SDA for Fee categories B-K) please download the CASES version. If you are interested in using SDA only (Categories N-O) please download the SDA version

NOTE:  If you are part of another University of California campus, please contact us and let us know which campus.

The Agreement is in PDF format and you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader (TM) installed on your PC in order to print it.

Then, in a separate document, please include the following information:

  1. The official name and address of the organization (or person);
  2. The name, address, phone, fax and e-mail address of the person to whom the Agreement should be sent - the administrative contact
  3. The name, address, phone, fax and e-mail address of the person to whom future billings should be sent - the billing contact (it could be the same as #2)
  4. The name, address, phone, fax and e-mail address of the person who downloads the software (it could be the same as #2)
  5. The name, address, phone, fax and e-mail address of the technical person who will be actually using the software - the technical contact (it could be the same as #2)
  6. The Fee category (see Membership Fees)
  7. A begin date for the Agreement
  8. For CASES users (Fee categories B-K), whether SDA is desired
  9. The computing environment which will be used
The two signed copies of the Membership Agreement and Software License Agreement for the Association for Computer-assisted Surveys must be returned along with the requested information to:

    CSM Program, Institute for Scientific Analysis
    c/o Yuteh Cheng
    715 El Cerrito Plaza
    El Cerrito, CA 94530-9701

When the Agreements have been signed by the University of California, Berkeley campus Director of Technology Licensing, CSM keeps one copy and the second copy is returned to the member.  CSM also sends an invoice to the member for the appropriate fee category.

The CASES or SDA software will be available for download only after all of the following conditions have been met:

  • Both parties have signed the Agreement. Any changes made to the terms of the Agreement may delay signature;
  • Any terms added during the course of payment have been accepted by both parties; and
  • Payment of the fees has been received. At CSM's discretion, a Purchase Order may be acceptable
If you have any questions, please let us know.  You may call us at 510-705-1050, or e-mail us.

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CSM Program
715 El Cerrito Plaza
El Cerrito, CA 94530-9701
510-898-1313 or support@csm.berkeley.edu